Hi, I’m Austi

The artist behind Robe and Crown

As I put my art into the world, I hope people are drawn into prayerfully considering what their souls are telling them. I hope my art evokes a way of slowing down to notice details around everyday things.

I hope this gift of painting serves YOU!

Austi smiling at the camera

I hope you’ll find Robe and Crown a place of comfort… 

bringing comfort to your soul through our mighty God

As we journey through our lives, it can be hard to keep our eyes on Christ and truly believe in the love God has for us.

But the best question to ask ourselves can be who am I becoming?

When we come back to Christ time and time again, we see our need for him increase. True transformation begins when we put one foot in front of the other. Robe and Crown exists to help people like you. Join us while we are all practicing –  

encouraging each other as we walk into our belovedness.

What you can expect with Robe and Crown

OUr heart behind the art is to help others prayfully consider what God is inviting you into.

what we do…

  • Thoughtful art prints and products with meaning
  • Introductions to spiritual practices and disciplines like Visio Divina, Prayer, Sabbath, and more
  • Resources to help you deepen your relationship with our Triune God
  • A safe place to slow down for true soul care
  • Encouragement and love

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

C.S. Lewis