What is Spiritual Formation?
Spiritual Formation is the act of being transformed into the likeness and image of Jesus Christ.
Into the likeness of Jesus
Richard J. Foster defines spiritual formation as this, “The Christian idea of spiritual formation is, very simply, the formation and conformation and transformation of the human personality — body, mind, and spirit — into the likeness of Jesus Christ.”
Spiritual Formation is really a journey we are on our entire life.
Sometimes we may struggle to believe in a God and sometimes we find ourselves stagnant in our relationship with God when we do believe. All of this is part of Spiritual Formation and what I’ve found to be true is that spiritual formation is an invitation to go deeper into knowing and believing our Triune God.
Let me just address the elephant in the room….we never “arrive” at fully spiritually formed, not this side of heaven anyway. It’s a lifelong journey.
Helpful resources
03. Podcast
Annie F. Downs That Sounds Fun Podcast : Episode 429
John Mark Comer on Spiritual Formation