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As the leaves begin their gentle transition from the vibrant greens of summer to the rich, warm hues of autumn, we are reminded of the God’s hand in creation and the beauty He’s blessed us within the changing seasons. If you’re like me, you love fall too. The natural progression, the shift in the wind, shapes our soulds into a transition that can be as subtle, but also as drastic as the color changes. It reminds us that our lives ebb and flow just as the seasons do. It is a message, whispered on the breeze, inviting us to pause, to reflect, and to take inventory on the deeper currents of our soul.

What questions do you have?

Take some time in the stillness to let your soul surface questions that may be quietly roaming. Do you feel anxious? Do you have some doubt? Are you expectant? Are you worried? What are you feeling as you witness the world transform around you? What needs to die or be pruned back? Which thoughts have taken residence in your mind? Are there any patterns or reocurring themes you can identify?

The changing of the seasons can be an invitation to explore the landscape of your soul with honesty and courage. An invitation from the one who loves you most.

In this season of change, we are encouraged to lean into the comfort and guidance of our belovedness, to seek God and ask openly, “What are you inviting me into?” This question, simple yet profound, can unveil the directions in which our souls are being called to grow, adapt, and flourish. Just as each season brings its own unique beauty and challenges, so too does each season of our life. And in seeking God’s voice, in listening for His gentle guidance, we find the strength and wisdom to navigate these seasons with grace.

So while each of us have sense a difference in the shift of seasons – some of us may feel deep grief, some may feel uncertainty, some may feel hopeful, and some might feel joy and expectant for the change. Let this shifting of the seasons be a blessing to you. Let it remind you that change is always a beautiful invitation to grow. So, while you may ask, “What needs to die or be pruned back?” you may also be receiving a call to grow closer to Him. As the external world shifts, take the opportunity to turn inward, to ask yourself about your feelings, your thoughts, and your spiritual journey. And in doing so, open your heart to the possibilities that God is laying out before you.

As we embrace this season, let us walk forward with faith, knowing that in every leaf’s turning, in every breeze’s shift, there is a message of renewal and hope. Let this be a time of encouragement, a season where we seek God earnestly, asking what He is inviting us into. In this seeking, may we find new paths to walk, filled with His countless blessings and love.

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